One of those days





Today’s one of those days where I look at my calendar and begin to freak out..



(I probably could do so much more if I only had minions..)

The amount of work I have to do is incredibly overwhelming, if you’re in the same boat as me today- take a deep breath… we’ll get it all done! (I have faith in us) 🙂 



So I am committed to finding some humour in what I know will be incredibly overwhelming weeks ahead of me! 

I may need some help though, if you have any funny stories or things that make you smile, let me know! 

Comment below!

…Pass on the laughter



Is any one else wishing the weekend would hurry up even though it’s only Monday?


With being a full time student Mondays are usually something I tend to drag (hence why i tend to blog happy and funny things the most on mondays- I need a little extra happiness) 

For those of you who are working or who have had a crazy busy day it’s hard to remember to embrace every moment when on Mondays we tend to hope for Fridays to come quicker and begin our weekly countdown… 

Even if you are absolutely exhausted today (like me) I hope you’ve had the chance to embrace the small things and have enjoyed some of the happier moments today! 



… Pass on the smile 



Belly Laugh Moments

When you can’t stop laughing for a good five minutes I’d say whatever you’re laughing must be incredibly funny.. 

After your crazy day yesterday I highly suggest watching this clip from the Ellen Show, just take a moment to relish in Ellen’s comedic prank where everyone ends up laughing (including yourself!)

…Pass on the laugh

The beauty of Sundays

Sundays are my definition of relaxation.

I use to be one of those people who ran around like crazy trying to fit everything in and finish up all my errands. Recently I’ve come to appreciate the beauty of Sundays. To me they are the perfect day to sleep in, hang out with family and enjoy every single moment of my day off! Nothing beats turning off my alarm, coming down the stairs to find breakfast warm and ready and being able to take my time to drink my tea.



…Pass on the smile

That one day of the year…


Today is the day that I’ve looked forward to all year round! 

If you happen to share a birthday with me today I hope that all your dreams come true and that your day is AMAZING!

If today happens to be another day for you I hope it is still AMAZING!

Today everyone deserve to feel special and pure happiness!


.. Pass on the smile



Horizontal Running

Have you ever had those days where you just need to take a break? 


I often call these days ‘horizontal running days’ (horizontal running comes from the movie Pitch Perfect) 

If today you’re having one of those days I challenge you to do something that makes you smile even if it be sitting down and watching your favourite movie! 

People today are all about getting things done and rushing around, it causes us to forget to embrace the little things in life that make life amazing. 

...Moments of laughter