With all this homework I really need a good laugh

As most of you know I love Jimmy Fallon and all his late night hilariousness, I will also share that I love How I Met Your Mother. Neil Patrick Harris and Jason Segel are incredibly talented along with the rest of the cast!

I just can’t stop laughing… and I’ll start working on my homework right after you watch this!

…Pass on the laugh!

The life of a university student…

Procrastination pretty much sums it up!

… Now to actually start my homework.. maybe I should clean the dishes first or take the dog for a walk or even wash the car or better yet maybe I should check my e-mail one more time.. then i’ll get to work!

…Pass on the laugh

Embracing Every Moment

Embracing Every Moment

This blog is all about making people laugh and feel happy, when I saw this article it didn’t necessarily make me laugh…

Instead this link made me feel happy and appreciative of all those wonderful things in life and reminded me about the good of humanity.

Too many people get caught up in a bad day and neglect to find the sunshine. I am guilty of letting a bad day get to me too, but reading some of the things mentioned in this article made me re-think my “bad day attitude”.

If you’re having a bad day today I challenge you to do a random act of kindness and show others around you that a bad day doesn’t have to define your attitude or impede on your happiness.


“Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.” ― Marianne Williamson

Turn your bad day around, make someone smile!

…Pass on the smile 

If you accepted my challenge today, comment below and let me know what your  random act of  kindness was!

I’m Beginning to Turn Green

I’m Beginning to Turn Green

With tomorrow quickly approaching and tomorrow being a Monday and all I’m cherishing the last few hours of my Sunday.

Tomorrow isn’t like a traditional Monday.. tomorrow is ST PATRICK’S DAY! 

So in preparation of the big day tomorrow here is a really cute link that will sure to make you smile and look forward to tomorrow!

Happy Sunday!

…Pass on the smile