Classic Joke Sunday!

Happy Sunday everyone!

Hope you all are ready for another week and have survived  all the Halloween festivities!

I am preparing for a week of reports, presentations and work. To be honest I’m looking forward to it, these last few weeks have been particular stressful and today I am more than grateful to have been able to survive it all- haha (I’m sure some of you know the feeling!)

I do have a particular funny story though..

This morning while realizing that the dryer ate a few of my socks I witnessed my fish actually try to escape. I was under the impression that he was enjoying his brand new tank but apparently not, after two unsuccessful backflips he finally made in on the counter. So after safely putting him back in his tank, I had a good laugh.

Do you have any funny pet stories?

To continue with classic Joke Sundays, I hope this one makes you smile!


…. Pass on the laugh!

..pass on the laugh

Sundays are some of my favourite days

I LOVE SUNDAYS, they are my favourite days to lounge in bed and just relish in the notion that I can relax all day if I wanted, except this sunday.. This sunday is a busy one for me. I am not sure if any of you are in the same boat but with exams and a pile of assignments today strangely feels like a Monday (YUCK!)

With that being said I’ve been doing some thinking… Perhaps Sundays should be classic joke Sundays instead of classic Joke Wednesdays?

So let’s give it a go!

In light of Halloween coming up..

“Why didn’t the skeleton go to the party?…

…Because he had NO BODY to dance with!”


So i hope you all have a relaxing Sunday!

… Pass on the laugh

If you really need a reason to laugh…

Hello All,

Me again (I know I need to get better at this blogging this!)

I have some  super exciting news, my best friend and I have created another blog chronically our 20- something lives. It’s going to get pretty funny as I have a ton of clumsy moments to share and hilarious life lessons that I’ve been forced to learn.


Stay tuned for some more classic joke wednesdays as I share some of my classical favourites!


(I thought the above photo was super cute and made me smile so I had to share!)


Hope you are enjoying your sunday!

… Pass on the smile